“Sk8 Church is a place to learn about God and skateboard.”
— Tanner, Middle School Student
“Yo, Sk8 Church is the best! I’ve made a ton of friends. I’m so glad I get to skate at Sk8 Church. It has definitely brought God more into my life.”
— James, Middle School Student
“Sk8 Church makes you feel like home. Every time I walked in the door I knew I could release whatever life was throwing at me.”
— Autumn
“I was a volunteer for two years at Sk8 Church. I’ve helped out on Thursday nights setting up and serving dinner...I have seen countless people come through the doors and have their life changed.”
— Allison, College Student
“Sk8 Church shared the gospel with me, changing my life. Jesus came for those who believe and are in need. Sk8 Church is a place that embodies who Jesus is and his command to Love God and Love others.”
— Alexandra, College Student
“When I first found skate church I already had a love for skateboarding and a love for God. By going to skate church I have made lifelong friendships. Since it is so fun and welcoming I go all the time. The more often I go there my relationship with God grows stronger and my skateboarding progresses. ”
— Evan, High School Student
“Once some friends and I came from Fort Collins to visit Sk8 Church. We were on a faith trip. A friend from Sk8 Church happened to ask where we would be staying the night. “Well, I don’t know”, I replied. He invited us to stay at his place. We were welcomed with genuine kindness - the kind that speaks ‘You are welcome here’. After while I realized Sk8 Church brought me the opportunity I was looking for - the opportunity to give back.”
— Benji
“I went to Sk8 Church with substance abuse struggles, an unstable relationship with Jesus and a need to ride my skateboard at a fun indoor park. I left Sk8 Church and Steamboat to pursue my dreams with the true love of Jesus in my heart, a supportive and amazing crew of friends, a much deeper understanding of the Bible and a profoundly changed lifestyle. Sk8 Church truly and deeply changed my life.”
— Bodhi, College Student
“I started going to Sk8 Church to skateboard, little did I know that place would bring me to a complete worldview & lifestyle change. I was living a selfish and destructive lifestyle until I met Jesus and started living for Him. Sk8 Church really had everything to do with that. ”